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Monday, January 02, 2006

Donald Trump - Republican candidate for NY Governor

Rumors have started circulating in the last week that Donald Trump may make a bid for the Governor of New York. What is surprising about this is that he will supposedly run as a Republican.

We've seen what happens when a celebrity runs for a race such as this (Gubernator Shwarzneggar). But if this race happens it will be a much more solid race.

The question remains as to how Trump stacks up on ideology. He has shown disdain to both parties when asked political questions on shows like Late Night with Conan Obrien. This labels him as a political maverick of sorts.

There is a saying "Put your money where your mouth is." In politics this means that people tend to give towards their ideologies. while this isn't 100% true. People in Trump's position will give to the power structure in a defensive move or to seek favor from those in office.

However, Donald Trump has an extensive history of giving in politics. here is a summary of his giving from 1998 to present.

Noteworthy candidates:
Arlen Spector, (R), $1500
Rudi Giuliani, (R), $1000
Erskine Bowles,(D) , $1000
Hillary Clinton,(D) $2000
Tom Daschle, (D) ,$4000
John Kerry,(D) , $500
Joe Lieberman,(D) , $2000
Harry Reid,(D) , $5000

Republican candidates: 36 times for $25,500.
Democratic candidates: 36 times for $35,150.
Advantage DEM candidates by $9650

Republican Committees and PACs: 7 times for $39,000
Democratic Committees and PACs:14 times for $92,000
Advantage DEM Committees and PACs by $53,000

TOTAL Contributions from 1998 to present:
REP 43 times for $64,500
DEM 50 times for $127,150
Advantage DEM by $62,650

From this evidence it is likely that Mr. Trump would run as a moderate to moderately liberal Republican.

For more information on the contibutions made by Donald Trump, candidates, or committees visit the Federal Election Commission.

All data used in this analysis provided by the FEC. If you would like a printout of my analysis email me at


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