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Friday, December 30, 2005

Why Democrats Lose Elections

Democrats complain that they have no voice. They give excuses of everything from Republicans gerrymandering Congressional districts to the Great Right-Wing Conspiracy."

These excuses are weak on premise. As a political consultant I often surf the web for what kind of political messages are out there. When I opened the Democrat party's website something hit me that I have felt for a long time. But to see it from the primary source is a different experience.

The Democratic National Committee has no policy strategy. Translation they don't promote any agenda other than anti-Bush or anti-GOP. I had to dig to find a platform of any kind. It was in a transcript of Howard Dean's Christmas radio address and provided no concrete ideas for how the DEM's would accomplish its goals.

Look at the main page of their website. There are no policy matters being showcased. If the Democrats wish to take Washington they need to be more specific on what they will do when they get there.

Without a platform voters view the party as lacking leadership. The Republican's have their own issues but they have a platform and they are in power. For those readers who aren't familiar with the mechanics of electoral campaigns, incumbants will win unless the voter is convinced that they need fired. This happens only when a candidate has a weakness (i.e. unethical behavior) and he/ she has a strong opponent (i.e. strong platform).


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