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Friday, February 10, 2006

Harry Reid Connected to Abramoff

The Democrats have called the Abramoff scandal a Republican problem and have the repeatedly stated that culture of corruption in Congress is a problem only for Republicans. Howard Dean has stated numerous times that no Democrat received any money from Jack Abramoff or his clients.

The associated Press found billings and correspondence for a period of more than three years between Minority Leader Senator Harry Reid and Jack Abramoff's clients, firm, and lobbying partners. Reid received around $68,000 in donations from them.

As far as political ramifications this has the potential to hurt Democrats. Reid had been a vocal critic on the Republicans and corruption. But by having connections to the Abramoff's firm and receiving money from it Reid loses some credibility to lead the charge on the matter.

Reid doesn't need to have done something wrong for this to hurt him. If public perception associates him with Abramoff then the damage is done.

The political damage goes farther than Reid. It weakens the ability of the Democrats to use the "culture of corruption" as a campaign issue.

In fact, this could help Republicans. The attacks on Republican corruption had fallen from the foreground n the headlines and was replaced by Democratic antics in the Alito hearings and vote. If more Democrats are found to have the same type of connections to Abramoff as Senator Reid, look for the Republicans to take the momentum with the issue. Campaigns are often won on such momentum.

Democratic leaders such as Harry Reid, Howard Dean, and the bunch need to remember a basic rule of politics. Never make an absolute.


Blogger Jon said...

Reid is your typical Democrat, he considers something corruption only if it has to do with a Republican.

I don't listen to a thing that comes out of Dean's mouth. He is the best thing to happen to the Republican Party.

6:38 PM  
Blogger PoliticalNut said...

I do listen to Dean. I just don't take anything he says seriously. Its pure entertainment value.

1:31 AM  

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